Remote Objects ============== .. py:currentmodule:: skillbridge.client.objects .. class:: RemoteObject :class:`RemoteObject` instances represent any object in Skill that is neither of the following types: - :class:`int` - :class:`float` - :class:`str` - :class:`bool` - :class:`list` - :class:`nil` .. method:: __getattr__ Skill properties can be accessed like normal python attributes, provided the property exists on the Skill object >>> cell = [[0, 10], [0, 10]] Properties of Skill objects can again be :class:`RemoteObject` instances: >>> cell.cell_view .. method:: __setattr__ It is also possible to change the Skill properties using normal python attribute access. If the property does not exist on the skill side, it will be created. >>> cell.x = 123 >>> cell.x 123 .. note:: Changes to list are not synchronized with the Skill side at the moment >>> = [1, 2, 3] >>> >>> [1, 2, 3] To work around this, you must manually assign the list back to the object >>> data = >>> data.append(4) >>> = data >>> [1, 2, 3, 4] .. warning:: Creating new boolean properties on the Skill side show a strange behaviour >>> cell.new_bool_property = True >>> cell.new_bool_property "TRUE" # instead of t >>> cell.new_bool_property = False >>> cell.new_bool_property "FALSE" # instead of nil .. method:: __dir__ All available Skill properties can be listed using this method. It looks up the properties inside skill using the expression ``__var -> ?`` and returns the property names as a list >>> dir(cell) ['DBUPerUU', 'any_inst_count', 'area_boundaries', 'assoc_text_displays', ...] Inside Jupyter/IPython this method is used to provide tab completion >>> cell. # Shows a dropdown menu containing ['DBUPerUU', 'any_inst_count', ...] >>> cell? # Shows a window containing ['DBUPerUU', 'any_inst_count', ...] .. method:: __eq__ Compares two :class:`RemoteObject` and returns whether they are considered equal. They are considered equal if the Skill identifiers are equal. .. code-block:: python cell = # dbobject:0xHHHHHHH another = # dbobject:0xHHHHHH assert cell == another .. method:: __ne__ Compares two :class:`RemoteObject` and returns whether they are consideren unequal. This is the opposite of the :func:`__eq__` method.