
class geometry.Point

Represents a 2D point in space, consisting of an x- and a y-coordinate

>>> Point(10, 20)
(10, 20)

Vector is an alias for the Point type

>>> Vector(4, 5)
(4, 5)

This class is implemented as a NamedTuple. This means:

You can use it like a tuple

>>> Point(4, 5)[0]

Its fields are named

>>> Point(4, 5).x
>>> Point(4, 5).y

It is immutable

>>> p = Point(4, 5)
>>> p[0] = 0
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: 'Point' object does not support item assignment

Create new instance of Point(x, y)


Alias for field number 0


Alias for field number 1

__add__(point: geometry.point.Point) → geometry.point.Point

Add two points component wise

>>> Point(10, 20) + Point(100, 200)
(110, 220)
__sub__(point: geometry.point.Point) → geometry.point.Point

Subtract two points component wise

>>> Point(10, 20) - Point(1, 2)
(9, 18)
__mul__(factor: Union[int, float]) → geometry.point.Point

Multiply a point with a factor

>>> Point(2, 3) * 4
(8, 12)
__rmul__(factor: Union[int, float]) → geometry.point.Point

Multiply a point with a factor from the left

>>> 4 * Point(2, 3)
(8, 12)
__floordiv__(factor: Union[int, float]) → geometry.point.Point

Divide the components of a point by a factor (floor division)

>>> Point(2, 3) // 2
(1, 1)
__truediv__(factor: Union[int, float]) → geometry.point.Point

Divide the components of a point by a factor

>>> Point(2, 3) / 2
(1.0, 1.5)
__matmul__(other: geometry.point.Point) → Union[int, float]

Multiply two points (dot product)

>>> Point(1, 2) @ Point(2, 3)
__neg__() → geometry.point.Point

Negate the components of a point

>>> -Point(1, 2)
(-1, -2)
__abs__() → Union[int, float]

The absolute value of a point: the length of the point

>>> abs(Point(3, 4))
property yx

Transpose a point, i.e. flip x and y

>>> Point(1, 2).yx
(2, 1)
property length

The length of the point

>>> Point(3, 4).length
property normalized

Return a copy of the point with the same direction but length 1.0

>>> Point(1, 1).normalized
(0.707..., 0.707...)